Renu Agrawal | Kailash Agrawal
(please click here for ThetaHealing® specialist)
An Attainable Miracle
ThetaHealing® Technique is a simple and profound meditative technique of applied quantum mechanics....
DNA Activation
In the middle of the brain, a small gland called the pineal gland is located. This gland releases various hormones which direct the functioning of the pituitary gland. Within the pineal gland is the Master Cell which is the operation centre..
Why ThetaHealing® ?
ThetaHealing® Technique is a powerful healing modality that uses the Universal Creative Force to....
ThetaHealing® Courses
Basic DNA2 and Advanced DNA2 courses form the foundation of ThetaHealing® Technique. The entire technique is taught in 3 days of Basic DNA2 plus 3 days of Advanced DNA2. These two courses are prerequisites for all courses....
Note: Courtesy: ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge, USA,