+91 9810735891, +91 9871096726, +91 9717803645


Basic DNA2 and Advanced DNA2 courses form the foundation of ThetaHealing® Technique. The entire technique is taught in 3 days of Basic DNA2 plus 3 days of Advanced DNA2. These two courses are prerequisites for all courses of ThetaHealing® Technique.
All other courses are in-depth applications of this technique in different areas of life. Intuitive Anatomy is a three-week long course which is a leap to the next level of ThetaHealing® Technique and is a prerequisite for higher courses.

  • What is ThetaHealing® Technique?
  • In ThetaHealing® Technique you talk about the Creator. What is the Creator?
  • What is DNA activation and how many strands do we activate?
  • Do I Have to change my religion to practice ThetaHealing® Technique?
  • Can I use the ThetaHealing® Technique on myself?
  • How do I select a ThetaHealing® Technique Practitioner?
  • What can I expect during a ThetaHealing® session?
  • What should I do to prepare for my ThetaHealing® Technique session?
  • How many sessions will I need with ThetaHealing® Technique?
  • How much does an appointment cost?
  • What Course can I take with a Certified ThetaHealing® Technique Instructor?
  • How do I register for a seminar?
  • What is a scholarship and how do I apply for one?
  • What is a Teachers Assistant and how to apply to be a Teachers Assistant?
  • Do You Have to sign a contract to practice ThetaHealing® ?
  • Do you have people sign a contract to teach ThetaHealing® ?
  • After the student signs the waiver, what do I do with it?

